Why is chemistry important to our everyday life?

Why is chemistry important to our everyday life?

Having come across the importance of chemistry & its presence in our daily life, Right from the moment we wake up and sip that perfect cup of coffee/ tea.
I would like to share some interesting examples with you all folks and share my knowledge.

  1. Toothpaste comprises of Calcium.
  2. The main raw material required to prepare soap is Sodium Hydroxide (a basic compound). It helps you stay hygienic.
  3. Coffee keeps you awake because of the presence of a chemical called Caffeine. It gives you a boost of energy to kickstart the day.
  4. Tea contains the iron metal in small quantities.
  5. The artificial sweetener containing chlorine that has the appearance and taste like that of sugar and is stable at cooking temperature is Sucralose.
  6. The organic detergent that is used in hair conditioners is Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide.
  7. The most commonly used bleaching agent is Chlorine.
  8. Your talcum powder or Talc contains Magnesium, Silicon & Oxygen primarily. It has a formula Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 and is mined from the earth.
  9. Nail polish remover contains Acetone. Girls in my science lab used to sneak away 50ml of acetone in small vials.
  10. The red pigment used in lipsticks is Eosin.
  11. The alum used after shaving comprises of potassium aluminium sulfate. Commonly known as “phitkari” in Indian households. Still used in parts of the country for disinfecting water.
  12. Dettol is a mixture of terpenol and chloroxylenol.
  13. One of the essential minerals in the human body is salt. You might wonder how much salt (NaCl) is in the average adult human body? It`s 250 gm and daily minimum intake is 1.5 gm and the maximum is 6g ! ( Next time, keep a watch on those delicious salty snacks.)
  14. You must have experienced that you shed tears while cutting the onion. This is due to the presence of Sulphur in the onion cells.
    Finally, you know who to blame when tears start flowing down!
  15. Red Phosphorous is used in preparing match sticks. This chemical quietly starts a fire with friction.
  16. The gas used in the manufacture of vanaspati from vegetable oil is Hydrogen gas. Quite dangerous and catches fire in a jiffy.
  17. The main ingredient of LPG is Propane.
  18. Curd is sour due to the presence of Lactic acid. Its made of Lactobacillus bacterias.
  19. Alcohol is used for preserving food for a long time.
  20. The chemical name of baking soda is Sodium bicarbonate.
  21. Glass is made of the mixture of Sand and silicates.
  22. pH of blood is 7.4. So your human blood is slightly basic.
  23. Paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic medicine.
  24. Finally, Candles are made of paraffin.
  25. Upvoting after reading answers leads to the release of happy chemical Dopamine in your brain. 

Chemistry Explains:

  • Cooking Chemistry explains how food changes as you cook it, how it rots, how to preserve food, how your body uses the food you eat, and how ingredients interact to make food.
  • Cleaning Part of the importance of chemistry is it explains how cleaning works. You use chemistry to help decide what cleaner is best for dishes, laundry, yourself, and your home. You use chemistry when you use bleaches and disinfectants and even ordinary soap and water. How do they work? That's chemistry!
  • Medicine You need to understand basic chemistry so you can understand how vitamins, supplements, and drugs can help or harm you. Part of the importance of chemistry lies in developing and testing new medical treatments and medicines.
  • Environmental Issues Chemistry is at the heart of environmental issues. What makes one chemical a nutrient and another chemical a pollutant? How can you clean up the environment? What processes can produce the things you need without harming the environment?

We're all chemists. We use chemicals every day and perform chemical reactions without thinking much about them.

Chemistry is important because everything you do is chemistry! Even your body is made of chemicals. Chemical reactions occur when you breathe, eat, or just sit there reading. All matter is made of chemicals.

Hope the explanation for getting this answer is clear and easy

                            Thank you…


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