
Showing posts with the label CHEMISTRY

What is the IUPAC name of CH3-CH2-CHCl-CH3?

What is the IUPAC name of CH3-CH2-CHCl-CH3? Let's see some of the rules required for naming of this given compound Usually IUPAC ( International Union For Pure and Applied Chemistry ) set rules for naming a compound Select the maximum carbon contained chain … here there is one chain which contains 4-carbons known with -but Indentify the substitute in the compound ….here chlorine - Cl is the substitute can be say as - Chloro Assign number for each carbon in the main chain inorder to get lowest value for substitute containing carbon …….. here carbon with Cl gets 2 when we assign from right to left As there is no double or triple bonds in the given compounds we can note whole compund as -ane ( alkane ) Combinely the total name of given organic compound can be written as 2-Chloro butane Hope the explanation for getting this answer is clear and easy                             Thank you…

Short-Trick Calculate Hybridization

Short-Trick Calculate Hybridization I can share you a short-trick, if you prepare for jee or related examinations then go for it. Calculate its hybridization, Case 1 : sp hybridization There are two pi bonds both are pπ-pπ bonds Case 2 : sp2 hybridization Then 1st pi bond is pπ-pπ and second onwards pπ-dπ bonds. Case 3: sp3, sp3d, sp3d2, sp3d3 hybridization All are pπ-dπ bonds.


NATURAL GAS In many parts of the world large quantities of what is called natural gas is found in association with petroleum. The gas flows to the surface of earth through natural outlets (say spring ) form gas deposits. It is also found dissolved in natural petroleum and is given out when the oil comes to the oil comes to the surface. Some wells produce nothing else but gas.                                 The gas emerging from gas fields is a mixture of mostly methane with small amounts of ethane, propane and butane, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The composition of typical sample of natural gas is:   CH 4             C 2 H 6 ,C 3 H 8 ,C 4 H 10            CO 2           ...


SCHRODINGER WAVE EQUATION            In 1926 Erwin Schrodinger an Austrian Physicist developed wave equation to describe dual character of electron. He determined the form of equation which are used to calculate the energy of system made of nucleus and electron. According to schrodinger atom as positively charged nucleus surrounded by standing wave. The equation which describe the wave along any of the three axes X,Y,Z is called schrodinger wave equation.                                DERIVATIO N Consider a partical P ( e - ) moving with angular velocity around the nucleus in circular path of radius "A" in time "t" covering. Consider tringle PBC We known that Sin θ=  PC ⁄ PB Sinθ= ψ⁄A Ψ=A Sinθ                              ...

What is the name of the compound: NH3?

The name of the Compound NH3 is Ammonia gas . Ammonia is colourless alkaline Compound . It is formed during decomposition of organic materials in the body during large number of important reactions . Ammonia is a multipurpose compound and used in various things. Chemical / Physical properties of ammonia are : At room temperature, ammonia is a colorless alkaline , highly irritating gas . The pure form is known as anhydrous ammonia and is hygroscopic (readily absorbs moisture). Ammonia has alkaline properties and is corrosive. Ammonia gas dissolves easily in water to form ammonium hydroxide, a caustic solution and weak base. Ammonia gas is easily compressed and forms a clear liquid under pressure. Ammonia is usually shipped as a compressed liquid in steel containers. Ammonia is not highly flammable, but containers of ammonia may explode when exposed to high heat . Other economic importance of Ammonia : ​NH3 Is most important compound for the growth of plant. most importantaly growth of s...

Vanadium Periodic Table Position

                                                 Vanadium S ymbol                              v   Atomic number                   23 Oxidation States                        +3,+2,+1 Electronic Configuration           [ Ar ]  3d 3  4s 2 Atomic Mass                           50.94                                           POSITION IN PREODIC TABLE                                ...

Nickel Periodic Table Position

                                                          Nickel S ymbol                              Ni   Atomic number                 28 Oxidation States                      +3,+2 Electronic Configuration           [ Ar ]  4s 2 3d 8 Atomic Mass                           58.69                                          POSITION IN PREODIC TABLE                                    ...

Why is chemistry important to our everyday life?

Why is chemistry important to our everyday life? Having come across the importance of chemistry & its presence in our daily life, Right from the moment we wake up and sip that perfect cup of coffee/ tea. I would like to share some interesting examples with you all folks and share my knowledge. Toothpaste comprises of  Calcium . The main raw material required to prepare soap is  Sodium Hydroxide  (a basic compound). It helps you stay hygienic. Coffee keeps you awake because of the presence of a chemical called  Caffeine . It gives you a boost of energy to kickstart the day. Tea contains the iron metal in small quantities. The artificial sweetener containing chlorine that has the appearance and taste like that of sugar and is stable at cooking temperature is  Sucralose. The organic detergent that is used in hair conditioners is  Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide . The most commonly used bleaching agent is  Chlorine . Your talcum powder or Talc contains ...

Lecture Notes on some important Name Reactions

Wurtz Fitting Reaction                       Wurtz Fitting reaction is a method to prepare alkyl derivative of arene by means of  general Wurtz reaction. C6H5I + 2Na + I-CH3 C6H5CH3 + 2Na It is just a modification of Wurtz reaction – a method of synthesizing alkanes using alkyl  halide and sodium in ether medium. e.g. of i) Wurtz Reaction:    CH3I + 2Na + I-CH3 C2H6 + 2NaI  Ether medium    ii) Fitting Reaction: C6H5I + 2NaI + I-C6H5 C6H5C6H5+ 2NaI Wurtz Fitting reaction is the combination of these two above reactions – Wurtz reaction  and Fitting reaction. Yield is very poor (10 - 5%) due to the formation of many side  products. Mechanism: Most widely accepted mechanism involves formation of organometallic  compound as below:  C6H5I + 2Na C6H5 -Na+ + NaI C6H5 -Na+ + R-I C6H5R + NaI Application and Extension: i) Widely used for polynuclear hydrocarbon ii) In the synthesis of anth...

Santonin Source,uses and Structure

                      SANTONIN                       Source:- It is obtained from the dried expended flower heads of Artomision Ciua (Wormseed)  Use:-    * Due to toxicity it is now replaced by other an the limintics.             *It is mostly used an anthelmintic              *It is very efficient in this action on round worms. E.g.(Ascaris) in does of 60 to 200mg daily for 3day; but shows less effect on the these worms and none on taenia.   Structure     *  Molecular Formula of santonin  (C 15 H 18 O 3 )     *Santonin belongs to sesquiterpenoid class of tere noida. It contains three isoprene units joined head to tail.        DBE=X+1-Y/Z                =16-9              ...

Isoprene Rule, Special Isoprene Rule and Violations Of Isoprene Reule

what is isoprene rule?                     * "It S tates that the skeleton structure of all terpenoids are built up of isoprene Units or 2-methyl 1,3-butadiene".                   * The isoprene rule derived form the following facts. (a) The empirical Formula if almost all terpenoids is C5H8. (b)  The thermal decomposition of all terpenoids gives isoprene as one of the products                     Eg:-Rubber on destructive distillation yields isoprene as the products.                   *  The isoprene rule has been confirmed by the following facts.        (¡) Isoprene,When Heated to 280℃ yield a (Dipentene)        (¡¡)  Isoprene may be polymerized to yield a rubber like product.                   ...

Chemistry Formula

General Formula Of Organic Compound             Comman Name.                     I.U.P.A.C.                    General Formula          1         Olefin Alkene  CnH2n  2 Acetylene Alkyne CnH2n+2  3 Paraffin  Alkane  CnH2n-2  4  Ketone  Alkanone  CnH2nO  5  Ether  Alkoxy Alkane   CnH2n+2 or R-O-R  6  Alcohol  Alkanol  ROH Or CnH2n+2OH  7  Aldehyde  Alkanal  CnH2n+2•CHO  8  Alkyl Chloride  Alkye Hallide  CnH2n+1•X  9  Carboxylic Acid  Alknoic Acid  CnH2n+1•COOH

Citral of Isolation, Structure and synthesis

Citral Citral is widely distributed and occurs to  the extent of   70 to 80 percent in  lemongrass oil.   Isolation                 T he  essential oil containing citral is treated  With sodium bisulphite solution,when crystalline citral  bisulphite derivative is obtained. This derivative is then  hydrolyzed with sodium carbonate to give pure citral. Structure of Citral                   Youtube Molecular Formula    【C 10 H 16 O】 Citral react with hydroxylamine to form an Oxime. Citral reacts with bromine to form a tetrabromide dederivative.         ...