What is the IUPAC name of CH3-CH2-CHCl-CH3?

What is the IUPAC name of CH3-CH2-CHCl-CH3? Let's see some of the rules required for naming of this given compound Usually IUPAC ( International Union For Pure and Applied Chemistry ) set rules for naming a compound Select the maximum carbon contained chain … here there is one chain which contains 4-carbons known with -but Indentify the substitute in the compound ….here chlorine - Cl is the substitute can be say as - Chloro Assign number for each carbon in the main chain inorder to get lowest value for substitute containing carbon …….. here carbon with Cl gets 2 when we assign from right to left As there is no double or triple bonds in the given compounds we can note whole compund as -ane ( alkane ) Combinely the total name of given organic compound can be written as 2-Chloro butane Hope the explanation for getting this answer is clear and easy Thank you…