Santonin Source,uses and Structure


Source:- It is obtained from the dried expended flower heads of Artomision Ciua (Wormseed) 

Use:-   * Due to toxicity it is now replaced by other an the limintics.
            *It is mostly used an anthelmintic 
            *It is very efficient in this action on round worms. E.g.(Ascaris) in does of 60 to 200mg daily for 3day; but shows less effect on the these worms and none on taenia.
    *  Molecular Formula of santonin (C15H18O3)

    *Santonin belongs to sesquiterpenoid class of tere noida. It contains three isoprene units joined head to tail.
               =07                【CxHyOz】
Hydrogenation of santonin forms tetrahydrosantonin.

Santon in Contains two C=C double bond (DBE=O2)

Santonin Forms Oxime Derivative With NH2OH

            Santonin contains carbon group and it was found to be ketonic (DBE=01)
       This ketonic behaves as  α,β-ke rone. This proved from the UV-Specturm of santonin.


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